Teach your children the skills they need
to help refuse and report child abuse.

Teach your children
the skills they need to
help refuse and report
child abuse.

"Every child should have one of these Boxes."

– Erin Merryn, MSW
Adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse and creator of Erin’s Law, which requires sexual abuse prevention education in 38 states

The Body Safety Box helps parents and schools give their children
the latest in evidence-based child abuse prevention education.

The Body Safety Box helps parents and schools give their children the latest in evidence-based child abuse prevention education.

Step 1

Parents can buy The Body Safety Box online now. Schools can contact us here for classroom kits.

Step 2

Complete the lesson series with your children. All activity directions and materials are included.

Step 3

Review the completed activities regularly. The Body Safety Box makes sensitive conversations easy.

Would your child know what
to do in a bad situation?

Would your child
know what to do
in a bad situation?

Abuse is rampant. And we can’t “gated community” our way out of it. Most of us learned Stranger Danger when we were children, yet national data informs us that over 90% of children today know their abuser. Estimates suggest that one in four girls and one in thirteen boys experience contact sexual abuse before turning 18, and only 10% of children tell. The median age of child sexual abuse is only 9 years old. One in three women will experience violence in a relationship during her lifetime.

What is inside
The Body Safety Box?

The Body Safety Box makes sensitive conversations easy. We give parents all of the language, activity directions, and materials needed for your children to create a series of fun, keepsake-quality projects they’ll love and remember. The Body Safety Box comes in two versions, one for children ages 5-8 and one for children ages 9-12. Our classroom kits for schools are packaged for primary and intermediate grade children.